Family History Packages
My Family History Packages are a great place to start, especially if you do not have the time to research your family tree yourself. One package can often lead to another. For example, a yellow package might lead to the identification of an individual that you might want to order another yellow package for. This is no problem at all. I am here to help.
The starting point for these packages can be yourself or a parent or grandparent or it could be anyone you have already identified in the course of your own family history research. However, please note that the Gold package may not be possible to complete if the starting person was born prior to 1850.
These packages also make a great gift but they take time to research and get printed so make sure to give me at least a couple of months notice. The end of September is the cut off for Christmas orders.
I now offer gift vouchers from my store for these packages.

Blue - Brickwall breakdown £99.00
Examination of the issue. Research. Report. Identification of next steps. Maximum research time of 5 hours
Green - parents and grandparents £199
From a starting person of your choice. Trace the parents and grandparents of that person. A report of their lives. Images of the census pages (if relevant), images of any parish registers. Photos of locations where they lived. Churches where they worshipped and are buried.
Red - parents, grandparents and great grandparents £399
From a starting person of your choice, create a three generation family tree resulting in the location of eight great grandparents. A report of their lives. Images of the census pages (if relevant), images of any parish registers. Photos of locations where they lived. Churches where they worshipped and are buried.
Gold - parents, grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents £899
From a starting person of your choice. Create a four generation family tree resulting in the location of all 16 great great grandparents. A report of their lives. Images of the census pages (if relevant), images of any parish registers. Photos of locations where they lived. Churches where they worshipped and are buried
At the end of the project I will provide you with a written report in pdf format. A professionally bound copy can also be provided on request. A printed family tree can be provided, depending on the size of the tree this may be an extra cost. If you have any requirements outside of these packages then please get in touch. I charge £20 an hour and I’m sure we can come to an arrangement for bespoke research.